
Mage Esports 2
Players: DivineMinatoman10 LegendMonsieurLeSlug Archon☆ egress ☆ Archonrosieiguess CrusaderPorkSurfer
Stand-ins: Crusaderhal
Points total: 96
Chili Crunch
Players: AncientRysky Ancientjoehungers LegendRico ArchonTank CrusaderButtGoblin
Stand-ins: LegendZithkor Legendtrigger_happy87 Crusaderkryto
Points total: 91
Warmed Up Team
Players: DivineBocu LegendJawbone ArchonHighC33 Archoncptgonzo CrusaderZinfig
Stand-ins: LegendDylan ArchonGarfield Frinkle Garfunkel CrusaderMarathon
Points total: 99
Bushido Boys
Players: LegendYtals LegendSmugseeks LegendTsunderland ArchonShunt ArchonESSDoto
Stand-ins: LegendGrimkip
Points total: 83
Anubis Promise
Players: DivineA1 LegendSwiftyNick ArchonGDOLLARSIGNYALL Crusaderpepper Guardianpaeches
Stand-ins: UnrankedN/A
Points total: 100
5 Dicks 1 Urinal
Players: AncientSchmobama LegendSchmoobledeedoo ArchonDacite ArchonDrSpookyBones ArchonTruckgril Beverly
Stand-ins: LegendPandaman ArchonBonelessPopcorn
Points total: 78
a Team
Players: AncientBernie Sanders ArchonFirewarrior44 CrusaderRedFaction CrusaderNoble22 GuardianJpHuffman
Stand-ins: ArchonBonelessPopcorn
Points total: 55
Tato and the Spuds
Players: DivinePotato Knight AncientPigzit Crusaderdoug soundheiser Crusadermr. breast GuardianNew Year, Still Feeding Mid
Stand-ins: Legendbenispoop Guardiandoodooshithead
Points total: 99